brb script
Upon the script command %_brb (See footnote) the contact is sent a brb - xxxxx message. xxxx is replaced by a totally unbelievable reason for going away. Just a little joke script I made to spice up brb messages...
I'm always on the lookout for new brb reasons. Anyone that cares to submit more is very welcome to. Email them to me -- dev [at] caius [dot] name
If you wish to edit the script once you've installed it, that is possible, please see the end of this page for the how-to.
brb Lines:- I am being viciously attacked by a maths book, please excuse me while I go and extract myself.
- My fridge is rampaging in next doors garden, I need to go cheer it on.
- My finger is stuck in the plug hole.
- My chiwawa has broken free and is eating kitchen knives.
- God has summoned me to the toilet.
- I have had an idea and need to feed it.
- The house is on fire.
- The neighbours have broken out of the padded room.
- The window's melting.
- My hair has internally combusted.
- My brain has been sighted running across the road.
- The hedgehog is skating in the sink again.
- Time to heat my watch.
- Must start the cat spin cycle.
- Seems my walls need ironing..
- Going to Reno.
- Lounging in bliss.
- There seems to be a problem with my toenails.
- *insert lame excuse here*
- Smoking pottery.
- Driving screws. Really fast!
- Connecting my neural networking hair extensions.
- My neighbour is complaining about cement in his mail box.
- Making modem noises for fun.
- Inventing spontaneous combustion.
- Hacking mainframes and shit.
- Gonna get some new shoes for my donkey.
- Trying to figure out the official AIM client... Don't wait up.
- Busy trying to cure my goldfish from its fear of water.
- The FBI just called, I'm wanted for a special mission.
- Doing brain surgery on myself... again.
- Memorising Chinese characters by heart... all 50.000 of them.
- Funny you should write me just now, I just /happen/ to be on my way out.
- Got a cake in the oven I need to check up on.
- Trying to convince Bill Gates to give up the whole Windows-concept, since it's not going anywhere.
- Trying to figure out how to give Paris Hilton the image of being an intelligent blond.
- Cracking codes for the CIA...
- Busy planning how to take over the world.
- Practising for the world pickled cow-tongue eating championship.
- The scabies are breeding again, gotta find some tweezers.
- I can see my neighbour undressing and oiling himself up, gotta stop him from wrestling my dog again.
- Both hands are busy... don't ask.
- The slaves are revolting again
- My sister is screaming at the imaginary gnomes again.
- I think I may have a third nipple.
- Going to talk to the Jehovah's Witnesses at my door naked.
- Planting apricot trees in my orchard.
- Getting beamed up by Scotty
- Can't sit down. Anyone have any toilet paper?
- Pea up the nostril again.
- Putting pinholes in my mate's condoms for an April Fool.
- Putting on my wetsuit to surf the web
- Brushing teeth. Chick was a dude.
- Recycling corn in bathroom.
- Throwing the ball around with my quadriplegic son.
- Need more peanuts for my pet elephant.
- Seriously, I'm almost out of minutes.
- Boosting my reproductive capacity via beer consumption.
- Corresponding with the dead.
- Putting on beer goggles.
- Fabricating a rubber donkey.
- Trying to levitate.
- Where's my lighter? I can feel a huge fart coming.
- Sharpening my blugeon.
- Combing my back-hair.
- Time for a full body shave.
- Mud wrestling a peacock.
- My penguin is giving birth.
- Just fallen through a crack in the space/time continuum. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you last week
- You don't want to know.
- I'm dancing with myself - oh oh oh oh
Footnote: /brb still works for legacy reasons, but I've also included %_brb so you can use it within a name, Caius - %_brb for example
v0.7 - 2007-02-04
- Added %_brb as a trigger
- Corrected a grammatical error (Scott Paeth)
- Added new reasons (BlackDalek, Bob MacGregor and Greg Larsen, edsq)
v0.6 - 2006-09-19
- Corrected a couple of Spelling Errors (Elias Pipping)
- Reformatted the script to make it easily readable.
v0.5 - 2006-07-24
- Corrected a Spelling Error
- Changed 50.000 to 50,000
v0.4 - 2006-02-04
- Added new reasons (Sofie Liebing Øwre)
v0.3 - 2005-10-15
- Added new reasons (Geir Anders Berge, Edward Loveall)
- Tidied up code
v0.2 - 2005-04-02
- Public Release
- Optimised Code
- Added new reasons (Liam Heathcote, Loralei Haylock, Francis Grogan)
v0.1 - 2005-04-01
- Unreleased alpha
- Initial Reasons added
How to edit the reasons & add your own
Firstly I'd go make sure you have the latest update as I rewrote the script to make it more user readable.
Basically the scripts for adium are bundles. You need to dig down into /Users/«your user
name»/Library/Application\ Support/Adium\ 2.0/Scripts/
then right click
and select Show Package Contents
. Open
in Script Editor.
All the quotes are in the main array (list), { "Quote 1", "Quote 2"}. The ¬ signifies a continuation of a line on the next line.
When you're done, save the file, and relaunch adium to make it recognise the new changes.
Hope that helps. :)
(To right click with a one button mouse, hold down control (⌃) and then click)